Monday, February 2, 2009


At the turn of the New Year, I honestly wasn't too excited when speculating about my first half of 2009. So far, so wrong. Here's a little photo summary of January.

Happy Birthday Becky, in Idyllwild.

NZ Reunion (plus AJ) in Davis

Same crew of four as August, up in Mammoth.

A few highlights that stick out to me...
-Catching the last chair up 22 in Mammoth last weekend. Riding solo through the trees and fresh powder, stopping often to listen to the sound of nothing. There was a rare break in the storm that seemed to last all weekend, and the colors of the setting sun were briefly visible on the clouds and freshly covered mountains across the valley, stellar!
-Hiking up to the giant cement "C" that overlooks my school, spending an hour watching the sun set amidst the storm clouds from the day and the city lights as they began to brighten in the coming night, not to mention some good conversation to back it all up.
Uh, that's all that sticks out above the rest to me right now, onto February!


brooke said...

Two posts in one week- What a treat! Love the picture summary. Hopefully I'll be in one some day.

audrey marie said...

cut your hair you woman!

brooke said...

I like the long hair! Keep it growing.

Travis said...

uh oh, no disagreements please. keep the peace.