Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I ended up having an extra week between Berlin and when I was to arrive in Switzerland, so, grateful for my bus pass at this point, I headed for Prague.

The city has the oldest buildings I've seen so far, and the warmest colored buildings as well, some stretching back to the 1400's! Newer buildings have sprung up around the older ones, so the city feels a bit crowded in places. My favorite part of my time there was walking up to the Prague Castle, atop the hill across the river from the city center. The castle was nice but nothing too impressive, but the few of the city as the sun was setting in the afternoon was brilliant. The colors and shadows across the domes, steeples, and towers reminded me of vintage European photos I'd seen growing up. Then the walk back across Charles Bridge as night overtook the city completed the day, and my time in Prague.

1 comment:

brooke said...

Love that last picture of you. You look happy.